And the brakes sounded bad,
So I went to a repair chain with a coupon I had.
The offer was great and the chain was well known,
The location convenient and close to home.
The lobby was clean and the coffee was hot,
I watched their wide-screen; I had the right spot.
When out from the repair bay their serviceman flew,
With a NEW cost for making my brakes work like new.
When what to my wondering eyes did appear,
But a number so high it caused nothing but fear.
The coupon was worthless, the promotion a scam,
I ran out the door as fast as I can.
To Greg's Auto Tech where the job was done right,
And ready for pick up the very next night.
No coupon, no hassle, and nothing to guess,
Just quality work at 20% less.
You can hear me exclaim, if you're willing to listen,
This is a True Story with nothing missing.
Written By
A Real Customer.
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